

Registration Fee Per Student

Online enrollment (or re-enrollment) and the non-refundable registration fee are both due in order to begin the application process. The registration fee will be paid online during the online enrollment process.

On or before April 4, 2025


After April 4, 2025



Annual Tuition

Half Day Early Ed / K3 + K4


3 Days – $3350 ($304.55/mo or $90.05/wk)
4 Days – $4210 ($382.72/mo or $116.94/wk)
5 Days – $5050 ($459.09/mo or $140.28/wk)

Full Day Early Ed + Kindergarten – 12th 

Kindergarten-5th – 8:15A-3:00P

6th-12th – 8:15A-3:15P
$8250 ($750.00/mo or $229.16/wk)
The monthly tuition comparisons are based on 11 months of equal payments July-May. The weekly tuition comparisons are based on 36 weeks of in-class schedule (holiday breaks excluded).


Discounts Discounts are applied consecutively one at a time:
  1. Calvary Baptist Church member discount – 8%
  2. Multiple child discounts. The eldest enrolled child is billed at the full rate. Discounts are applied to younger siblings in descending order. Early Ed students are not discounted.
      1. 2nd child – 5%
      2. 3rd child – 10%
      3. 4th child and any thereafter – 100% (no tuition charge-$200 Book Fee).
  3. Payment in full discount – 4% if paid in full with cash/check by July 15.
Discounts will be automatically calculated by the business office and listed on your tuition statements. (Note: Statements will begin in July.)

Other Fees

  • Before School Care (7-8 am) – pricing available at school office
  • After School Care (3-5:30 pm) pricing available at school office
  • Returned check fee $40 per occurrence
  • Sports fee 5th-12th Grade, $125/sport
  • Miscellaneous fees Music contests, musical, mission trips, Heartland, etc.: these fees will be based upon costs and charged to students who choose to participate.

Financial Policies

If you are not pre-paying your tuition in-full, tuition will be divided into 11 monthly installments from July through May. Statements will be sent out the first week of each month. Monthly installments are due by the 15th of each month. Prompt payment of tuition is vital to the operation of Calvary Christian Academy.
Late Fees:
  • A $25 late charge will be assessed each month for payments not received by the 15th of each month.
  • An 18% interest (APR) will be charged to accounts that do not pay by the 15th of each month. There is a 5 day grace period to account for weekends/delivery delays; however, interest fees will be calculated from the 15th of the month if the grace period is exceeded.
45-Days Past Due:
Family is placed on the Financially Ineligible List and students are unable to participate in sports, concerts, programs, musicals, field trips, and graduation.
60-Days Past Due:
Students are excluded from attendance until account is current or arrangements have been made with the Academy Office.

Tuition Assistance

Do you need help making tuition payments? It is the priority of CCA to keep tuition affordable, and we wish for no student to be turned away due to financial limitations. Tuition assistance is available. Tuition assistance applications are typically due by May 1 each year. View Tuition Assistance details >