Back to School Night
Tuesday / August 15 / 6P
What is Back to School Night?
A night to hear from school Administration, meet teachers, see classrooms and get set before the start of the school year. Secondary students will receive their schedules and returning students will receive yearbooks from the 2022-2023 school year.
What to bring for Back to School Night:
- School Supplies
- Any physical or immunization forms that still need to be turned in
- Locker decorations
First Day of School
Thursday / August 17
- Students can arrive as early as 7:55a
- Classes begin at 8:15a
- Full day of school
- Dismissal Times
- Half-Day Early Ed – 11:45a
- Full-day Early Ed – 3:00p
- Elementary – 3:00p
- Junior High + High School – 3:15p
2023-2024 Supply Lists
Early Ed
- Backpack – large enough for lunch box + a letter-size folder
- 1 Container Clorox Wipes
- 2 Elmers Glue Sticks – Large
- 2 Boxes Crayola Crayons (24 Count)
- 1 Small Pair Fiskars Scissors
- 1 Set Crayola Watercolor Paints
- 2 “My First” Pencils (Ticonderoga Brand)
- 2 Expo Dry Erase Markers
- 2 Boxes 5 oz Dixie Cups
- 1 Box Gallon-Size Ziploc Bags
- 1 Box Kleenex
- 1 Binder – 1″ with clear cover (put name inside)
- 1 Extra Set of Clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, socks) – place in Ziploc bag with child’s name
- 1 Old Oversize T-Shirt for Painting
- 1 Container hand soap
- Girls – 1 box gallon-size zipper storage bags
- Boys – 1 box sandwich-size zipper storage bags
- 1 Box Kleenex
- 1 Box 5 oz Dixie cups
- 2 tubs Playdough
- 1 Box Crayola markers
- 3 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 Set Crayola watercolor paints
- 2 Glue sticks
- 2 “My First” pencils (Ticonderoga brand)
- 1 Binder – 1″ with clear cover (put name inside)
- 2 Wide-ruled spiral notebooks (labeled with child’s name)
- 1 Old, adult-sized t-shirt for painting
- 2 Containers Clorox wipes
- 3 Containers baby wipes
- Backpack – large enough to hold a letter-size folder
- 1 Extra set of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, socks) – place in Ziploc bag with child’s name
- 1 Box crayons (24 count)
- 1 Pencil box
- 2 Boxes Kleenex
- 1 Box washable markers
- 2 Containers Clorox wipes
- 1 Small pair Fiskars scissors (5″ size)
- 2 Black dry erase markers
- 4 Glue sticks
- 1 Extra set of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, socks) – place in a Ziploc bag with child’s name
- Backpack – large enough for lunchbox and letter-size folder
- 1 Extra pair of tennis shoes (non-marking), if not wearing them to school
1st Grade
- 1 Extra pair of tennis shoes (non-marking), if not wearing them to school
- 1 Box Kleenex
- Labeled with your child’s name:
- 1 3-ring binder with pockets – 1″
- 2 Plastic folders with horizontal pockets
- 1 3-prong folder
- 24 Plain yellow sharpened #2 pencils
- 2 Pink erasers
- 2 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 Box thick Crayola classic colors washable markers (8 ct)
- 8 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 Bottle Elmer’s white washable blue (4 oz)
- 1 Pair Fiskars metal pointed scissors
- 1 Pencil box
2nd Grade
- 2 Boxes Kleenex
- 1 Bottle hand sanitizer (8-12 oz)
- 1 Extra pair of tennis shoes (non-marking), if not wearing them to school
- 1 Package Clorox wipes
- 1 Package baby wipes
- 24 Plain yellow sharpened #2 pencils
- 1 Package notebook paper (wide ruled)
- Labeled with your child’s name:
- 2 Pink erasers
- 1 Supply box or bag
- 1 3-ring clear view binder with pockets (1″)
- 3 Plastic folders with horizontal pockets (no rings)
- 1 Plastic 3-pronged folder
- Primary journal – early creative story tablet
- 2 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 Box Crayola colored pencils
- 1 Set Crayola watercolor paint
- 6 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 Bottle Elmer’s white washable school glue (4 oz)
- 1 Pair Fiskars metal pointed scissors
- 1 Ruler (with inches and centimeters)
- 1 Box Each – addition/subtraction flashcards (available at the Dollar Store)
- 1 Box thick classic colors Crayola washable markers (8 ct)
3rd Grade
- 2 Boxes Kleenex
- 1 Container Clorox wipes
- 1 Package baby wipes
- 1 Extra pair of tennis shoes (non-marking), if not wearing them to school
- Labeled with your child’s name:
- 24 plain yellow, sharpened #2 pencils
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 ruler (with inches and centimeters)
- 2 red pens
- 1 box of crayons (24 count)
- 1 box Crayola washable markers
- 1 package colored pencils
- 1 pencil box
- 2 3 ring, clear view binders (1″)
- 1 pair Fiskars metal pointed scissors
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 bottle Elmer’s white glue
- 1 yellow highlighter
- 1 black Expo dry erase marker
4th Grade
- 24 #2 lead pencils (mechanical are fine)
- 1 Expo dry erase marker
- 1 large box Kleenex
- 1 container baby wipes
- 2 packs loose-leaf paper (wide-ruled)
- 2 red pens
- 2 highlighters (any color)
- 1 composition notebook (wide-ruled)
- 1 box Crayola markers
- 1 box colored pencils (12 count)
- 1 pair metal pointed scissors
- 1 3-ring, clear view binder (1.5″)
- 2 plastic folders (3-hole punch, no prongs)
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 zipper pencil bag
- 2 glue sticks
5th Grade
- 4 plain paper folders
- 6 single subject notebooks
- 1 set subject dividers for use in a binder
- 1 pair metal pointed scissors
- 6 glue sticks
- 1 box colored pencils
- 24 #2 lead pencils (mechanical are fine)
- 2 red pens
- 1 box Crayola washable markers
- 2 packs loose-leaf paper (wide-ruled)
- 2 yellow highlighters
- 1 pink eraser
- 1 ruler (with 1/16″ and centimeter divisions)
- 1 3-ring binder (no larger than 1.5″ – trapper keeper or zipper is fine)
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 pencil bag or case for desk
- 1 thin Expo marker
- Headphones for Chromebooks
*please do not label supplies
Junior High (6th-8th)
Grades 6-8
- Bible (ESV)
- 1 pair scissors
- 1 pencil bag with holes for binder
- 2 boxes #2 lead pencils (standard or mechanical)
- 1 box highlighters (5-6 count, different colors)
- 5 2-pocket folders (3-hole punched)
- 1 box Papermate Flair (medium tip)
- 3 1-subject spiral-bound notebooks or a combined 3-subject notebook
- 1 Trapper Keeper or Case It (2″ min)
- 1 set subject dividers (8 count)
- 2 packages college-ruled filler notebook paper
- 1 package lined 3×5 cards
- 1 clipboard
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 container Clorox wipes
*Planner use is required – a planner will be provided by CCA but students may choose to purchase a planner to their liking
JH Course-Specific Supplies (purchase according to your student’s class schedule)
Math (Math 6, Math 7, Pre-Algebra)
- TI-30XIIS Calculator
- 1 notebook
- 1 dry erase marker
- #2 lead pencils
- 1 notebook
- #2 lead pencils (standard or mechanical)
- 1 folder (paper or plastic)
- 9×12 spiral bound sketchbook
- 1 set drawing pencils (that includes erasers and sharpener)
- 1 set watercolors (any brand EXCEPT Roseart – not washable)
- 2 fine-tip Sharpies
- 2 ultra fine-tip Sharpies
- 1 3-ring binder (.5″ or 1″)
- 1 3-ring binder (1.5″)
- 1 book cover (jumbo size)
- 1 pair gym shoes (non-marking)
- PE Uniform – available for purchase through the school office. Please label shirt and shorts with student’s last name)
High School (9th-12th)
Grades 9-12
- Student Planner
- 2 book covers (jumbo size)
- 1 box #2 lead pencils
- Ball point pens (blue or black)
- 1 red pen
- 1 highlighter
- 2 packages college-ruled filler notebook paper
- 1 large container Clorox wipes
HS Course-Specific Supplies (purchase according to your student’s class schedule)
- 1 Graphing calculator
- 1 geometry compass
- 1 protractor
- 1 notebook
- #2 lead pencils
Alegebra 1 + 2, Business Math, College Math & Statistics
- 1 scientific calculator (TI-30XS, TI-30X IIS, or similar)
- #2 lead pencils
- 1 notebook
Pre-Calculus + Calculus
- 1 graphing calculator (TI-83 plus, TI-84 plus or similar)
- 1 package graph paper
Science (all courses)
- 1 notebook
- #2 lead pencils
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 scientific calculator
Physical Science
- 1 scientific calculator
- 1 3-ring binder
Anatomy + Physiology
- 1 3-ring binder
- 1 scientific calculator
- 1 subject divider
- 1 package lined 3×5 cards
- 1 spiral notebook (1 subject size)
- Bible (ESV)
- 1 spiral notebook (1 subject size)
- 1 folder (paper or plastic)
- 1 spiral-bound sketchbook
- 1 set drawing pencils that includes erasers and sharpener
- 1 set watercolors (any brand EXCEPT Roseart – not washable)
- 2 fine-tip Sharpies
- 2 ultra fine-tip Sharpies
- 1 package lined 3×5 cards
- 1 3-ring binder
- 1 set subject dividers
Social Studies (World History, US History, Geography, Government/Economics
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 package subject dividers (5 count)
- 1 3-ring binder
- 1 book cover (jumbo size)
- 1 pair gym shoes (non-marking)
- PE Uniform – available for purchase through the school office. Please label shirt and shorts with student’s last name.
- 1 3-ring binder (.5″ or 1″)